torsdag 7 augusti 2008

Kickstart my heart....

Starting to feel like a complete man again. Spent the weekend down south in Uddevalla(¨jvuyddävvalla¨) at this chindigg they call Old Style weekend hosted by the A-bombers. Hooked up with Calle-Crazy and "Pontus från Hönö". Met a few of the SINNERS-guys again, shared a few laughs n whatnot with Angelo Von Zelli and the SinnerSupply-crew.( was a f%*#in sweet weekend. Nice weather, kinda cold beer, tasty thai-chew, great people n a few cute lookin skirts...Oh there where some kool cars, rodz n bikes there too!Like Vegas, what happens there stays there so no moore info here.(Om du vill veta nått så kan du ju sms:a eniro å fråga)
Enjoy the pics(if I get em up here).............

//Mad Dog mayo-pissedattheweather Pirate

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

fräscha bilder mannen!